The Correct Way To Clean Jewelry

06 октября 2006 г.

Silver jewelry is both attractive and affordable. Many men and women are choosing silver as an alternative to gold.

When you purchase jewelry you don't frequently think about taking care of it. Though, if you clean silver jewelry it can stay vibrant and beautiful for years.

There are several different methods that you can use to clean jewelry. When you purchase a piece of silver jewelry the sales clerk might ask if you'd like to purchase a solution that is specially made to clean it.

This normally consists of a plastic container which holds a liquid that has been designed to clean silver jewelry. This type of solution works well to clean jewelry that doesn't contain gemstones.

Gemstones can be damaged if placed in one of the chemical solutions that are designed to clean just silver. The sheen of them can be worn away and after you've cleaned them they will have lost some of their luster.

Another method to clean jewelry simply involves the use of a soft cloth. To this type of jewelry in this manner, you rub the piece carefully with the cloth to clean off any dust or residue. This also helps to polish the jewelry and can restore its shimmer.

An alternative to clean jewelry that incorporates both methods are specially designed cloths that contain a cleaning solution. The benefit of using one of these cloths to clean your silver jewelry is that you can control what the solution touches.

Therefore if the piece does contain gemstones you can ensure that the solution only comes in contact with the silver. If you need to clean jewelry in this manner you can inquire at your local jewelry retailer about the availability and pricing of the cloths.

It's not necessary to clean jewelry after each wearing. Items like silver earrings, you'll want to disinfect before each use. Other items, such as bracelets or necklaces only want to be cleaned if you notice them becoming dirty.

Taking the time to clean your jewelry keeps it looking its absolute finest, and it prolongs the life of the jewelry piece. Even if silver is less expensive than gold, it is still an investment that you should take care of.

Talk to your jeweler about the best method to clean silver jewelry and with a little time and attention no one will be able to advise if your necklace, bracelet or earrings are brand new or if you've had them for years.

Mitch Hampson

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