Caring For Diamonds

14 октября 2006 г.

Diamonds are considered to be the best form of carbon. They are also the hardest of all substances available in nature, and one diamond is used to cut another. Diamonds are also used in the industrial world in tools, conductors and insulators. Moreover, they polish easily and maintain good luster. Therefore, it is important to take good care of these gemstones.

Wearing diamonds while gardening or doing normal home chores is not permitted. You should never keep diamonds together with other jewelry like gold or silver. It should be noted, that a diamond should always be inserted into velvet, silk or a zip lock pouch. A regular check with your jeweler to detect loose diamond stones should be done. Regularly cleaning your diamond jewelry will always keep it sparkling and beautiful. Remember to soak the stone studded jewelry for ten minutes in soapy water or a mild detergent soap. After soaking, you should brush it gently with a soft brush. Diamonds immersed in alcohol before soaking will help to remove grease around it. After washing the diamond, you should always use soft lint-free cloth to wipe the diamond. If you have fracture filled your diamond jewellery, then a mild solution of ammonia and water should be used to clean it.

Although a diamond is the hardest substance ever found, it tends to lose its durable nature if it is dropped or knocked in the wrong places. Care should be taken to avoid wearing many diamonds, especially diamond rings, which could cause friction and chipping of the stone, and ultimately spoil the durability of the diamond. To ensure you take care of your diamonds, many jewelers sell Jewel cleaning solutions. They also have ultrasonic jewel cleaners that contain mild ammonia solutions.

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