10 years ago today Lance Armstrong

03 октября 2006 г.

10 years ago today Lance Armstrong was diagnosed with cancer. Texas jewelry company Kendra Scott Design is commemorating the event with a limited edition gold version of the famous yellow Livestrong wristband. Kendra Scott's version comes in either 18K white or yellow gold engraved with the Livestrong slogan with a yellow diamond set in the "O." The men's version is a cuff design and the women's band is an oval-shaped bangle with a clasp. Both versions have the Lance Armstrong Foundation slogan "Unity is Strength" inscribed on the inside. There will be 10,296 of the bracelets produced and each one comes with a custom designed black obsidian display base with glass cover. The band will retail for $10,296, with a portion of the purchase price going directly to the Lance Armstrong Foundation.

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